woman with adult acne

Adult acne causes and treatments

Read our guide for everything you need to know about adult acne causes, how to prevent it & tips on a adult acne skincare routine.

Adult Acne

Adult acne is one of the most frustrating skin problems to deal with. Acne can knock your confidence down at any age but especially in adulthood when you do not expect to still have to deal with it. 


It is important to remember that it is natural to have spots and skin texture, and there is adult acne treatment that will help you in your skincare journey. Our skincare experts have put some advice together to help you discover adult acne causes and the best acne treatment for adults.

4 Main adult acne causes

Adult acne causes can vary from one person to another, and therefore requires different treatment approaches. Acne is a result of skin and pores not being able to cope with the overproduction of sebum. The excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and forms a plug in the pores. These processes lead to the formation of blackheads, whiteheads and spots.


There are a few main adult acne causes:

1. Genetics

Some people are predisposed to have adult acne. Often, the presence of adult acne indicates that other close or even distant family members suffered from the same skin problem.


2. Hormonal fluctuations or imbalance

Changes in hormone levels can lead to your skin and body reacting to it through:


- Change in pH imbalance
- Inflammation
- Differences in circulation
- Excessive production of oil (sebum)
- Increase in testosterone levels


These changes can cause the development of adult acne. The hormonal changes can occur as a response to the fluctuations provoked by puberty, pregnancy, polycystic ovary syndrome, your menstrual cycle, perimenopause and other medical conditions. Hormonal adult acne is characterised as deep and cyst-like inflammation, and it’s often tender or painful.


If you suspect you might have adult acne caused by hormonal imbalance, please seek medical advice for adult acne treatment.

woman with adult acne
blonde woman laughing
woman avoiding adult acne
woman covering adult acne

3. Harsh skin care and other skin care products

Harsh face cleansers, peeling solutions, razors on dry skin, can irritate your skin and strip it from its protective barrier and cause a reaction that leads to inflammation.


Try  NIVEA Gentle Exfoliating Scrub, it refines and smooths the skin’s surface for an even complexion without damaging protective skin barriers. Another common reason for adult acne are clogged pores provoked by residues from your oily hair care products, styling products, makeup and heavy face creams. Make sure to rinse your skin from all possible residues.

4. Stress

Adulthood often comes with a fair amount of stress which has the capacity to create biological changes in the body that can trigger adult acne. When feeling stressed, your adrenal glands produce the stress hormone called cortisol. This hormone triggers increased sebum production, which results in stress adult acne. Stress also causes weakened immunity, inflammations and provokes changes to the proteins in your skin which results in elasticity reduction and a drop in collagen production. 


All of these factors make the adult acne healing process longer. Learn how to restore collagen and help your skin heal.

Adult Acne Treatment

The best and safest way to treat adult acne is by working with a specialist. A good dermatologist will identify the causes of your acne and its type in order to plan the best acne treatment for adults designed specifically for your skin. However, there are many home remedies for acne in adults, such as products and procedures that can help treat acne.


Let’s see the best acne treatment for adults at home. 

Home remedies for adult acne treatment include products you apply externally to your skin. Some examples include application on the skin of:

1. Aloe vera

2. Green tea extract (don’t apply directly on your skin, dilute in a carrier oil such as jojoba oil)

3. Tea tree oil (don’t apply directly on your skin, dilute in a carrier oil such as jojoba oil)

4. Zinc

5. Vitamin A (Retinol)

Home remedies may not help you completely clear acne, especially for extensive or deep acne. Also where some home remedies may work well for some people, they may not for others. For example, toothpaste and lemon juice can damage the skin's natural barrier, leading to further irritation and inflammation.


Remember everyone’s skin is different and in order to avoid adverse reactions always consult your doctor.

Best adult acne products:

Even if you have adult acne, don’t give up on getting clear skin. It is important to understand that your old acne remedies that worked in your teenage years may not be effective now that you’ve reached adulthood and your skin has changed.


Adult skin is often more sensitive and prone to dryness as collagen production reduces. Try switching to acne treatments designed for adult skin, like gentle but nourishing face cleansing products and non comedogenic moisturisers and suncreams.

Best acne treatment for adults is prevention

Preventing adult acne

  1. Adopt a skin care routine with topical ingredients appropriate to your skin type and be diligent with it. To find the safe ingredients, seek specialist advice.

  2. Moisturise properly. Skin prone to acne tends to get very dry, as a result of drying out breakouts. Excessive dryness can exacerbate acne and facilitate a continuous breakout cycle.

  3. Be patient. It is easy to get frustrated and switch from product to product when you don’t see immediate results. Give the product time to effectively work and generate desired results. Consistency is the key to adult acne treatment regimen.

  4. Take care of your overall health. Lifestyle choices such as minimizing stress, implementing a balanced diet, keeping hydrated, exercising regularly, and getting your beauty sleep, are obvious yet often neglected solutions to healthy, glowing skin

Adult acne is irritating but you are not alone in this. Options for adult acne treatment are out there - the secret is to find yours.