woman without peach fuzz on face

Removing peach fuzz from face

Everything you need to know about removing women’s facial hair and peach fuzz

Peach fuzz, facial hair, and what you need to know about getting rid of it

Peach fuzz, upper lip fluff, or mini moustaches. Charming on men, but not necessarily on women. That being said, some people don’t mind it – it’s just hair after all – but some people absolutely hate it. The important thing to remember is that if you’re not happy, there are ways to change it. 

If you’re keen to rid yourself of pesky peach fuzz, thicker whiskers, or darker hair growth on your face, read on for our top tips. And remember – be gentle! The skin on your face is quite delicate. Luckily, NIVEA can help you make your journey to a hair-free face easier and far more comfortable. 

What’s the deal with peach fuzz and upper lip fluff?

Peach fuzz, or vellus hair, is soft hair that starts growing when you’re a child. Its main purpose is to keep you warm – it’s a little added insulation. 

What causes the appearance of facial hair in women?

We all have peach fuzz – but it can be more noticeable in some people due to the colour and texture. 

When it comes to the appearance of female facial hair, a large amount is often due to an imbalance of hormones. 

Women may grow fine hair in places where men have a lot of hair, like the upper lip, chin, chest and back. This is due to an excess of male hormones called androgens. All women have a small number of androgens, but some women will produce more – and grow more facial and body hair as a result. 

But don’t worry – if your facial hair is bothering you, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to dive into a few of the best way to remove facial hair for women. So carry on reading.
brunette women with peach fuzz on face
blonde women smiling

For best hair removal results, make sure you prep

Before you start the process of removing hair from your face, make sure to prep the area. This reduces the risk of infection and can help you get the best result possible.
We recommend starting with fresh and clean skin, so cleansing is really important. Exfoliation is also key. If you’re hoping for long-lasting removal of that peach fuzz on face, it’s important to exfoliate too.  
Once that’s done, you’re ready to go! But how will you do it? Read on to discover some great at home solutions, salon solutions, and a few natural solutions on offer. 
(And don’t forget to follow up with a soothing moisturiser or balm once you’re finished.)

Now, let’s explore a few options so you can decide the best way to remove facial hair for women.

How to get rid of facial hair at home

While there are loads of different ways to remove body hair, they’re not always great for your face. 

Here, we’ll reveal some at-home methods for removing peach fuzz from your face, so you’ll be fuzz-free in no time. 

But remember – this isn’t permanent therefore doesn't always last, so be prepared to repeat the removal process…

Let’s dive into some of the best ways to remove facial hair for women from the comfort of your own home.

brunette women smiling with freckles

1. Shaving

 Stop – did you use that razor on your legs earlier? If you did, then please don’t use it on your face!
Traditional razors don’t offer the finesse women need on their delicate facial features. So it might be worth looking for smaller dermaplaning tools that offer more control and work across a small area at a time. Here's a quick pro tip: remember to shave in the direction of your hair growth to avoid irritation. 
It’s a myth that shaving makes hair grow back thicker. That being said, it may appear thicker because the razor blade creates a blunt edge when it cuts the hair. So if you have darker hair, this blunt edge may look thicker, darker, and stubble-like.
It’s good to note that shaving peach fuzz on face only gets rid of it for 1 to 2 days, so you might need to shave quite often. 
women removing peach fuzz on face

2. Hair removal creams

 Hair removal creams, often called depilatory creams, are a popular choice. But this method doesn’t remove hair from the root either – it creates a blunt edge which can give the appearance of thicker hair regrowth.
As with shaving, you’ll need to invest time in this method as the results only last a few days at a time. And make sure to follow all the directions on your particular product to avoid side effects. 

woman in mirrror

3. Waxing, threading, and epilating

Waxing, threading, and epilating are similar as they pull the hair out, root and all. So yes, it can be painful. And you should expect to see a little redness afterward. But the finished result is nice and smooth for up to two weeks. 
Your facial skin is extremely delicate, so remember to hold the skin taut when you wax to avoid bruising, and only wax a small space at a time. And always use an epilator suitable for delicate facial skin.


You’ll need to wait for the hair to grow out before you can wax, thread, or epilate again, so there may be a fluffy in-between time period. The good news is that because you’re pulling the hair out from the root, it often grows back thinner (without the unsightly blunt edge that shaving causes).

Want longer-lasting results? Salon treatments might be best

If your facial hair is getting you down and you want longer lasting results these ‘permanent’ solutions offer the best results. 
(Remember, so-called ‘permanent’ hair removal doesn’t always last forever – but should last years rather than days or weeks).

1. IPL hair removal

What is it?
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This works best on darker hair and is suitable for treating most hair growth on your face. 

How does it work?
It works by directing intense light at the dark pigments in your hair. This burst of light travels to the root where it stops further growth. 

How long will I stay hair-free?
It’s long-lasting and considered permanent, though you may see some regrowth after several years. 

Does it hurt? 
The reviews are mixed. Some people say it feels like a sharp flick. Others say it doesn’t hurt at all.

Are there any watchouts?

As mentioned above, it only works on dark hair – so, in this case, blondes don’t have more fun.

Can I only get this in a salon?
There are some at-home devices available, but they can be expensive.

2. Laser hair removal

What is it?
A focused laser designed to kill the hair from the root. 

How does it work?
Similar to IPL, it blasts the hair targeting the melanin and kills it from the root. For best results, multiple sessions are recommended.

How long will I stay hair-free?
This is known to be super long lasting, as long as you have multiple sessions. Because the laser needs to zap the hair at a certain growth stage, multiple sessions mean you’ll kill more hair follicles and have a better chance of stopping regrowth. 

Does it hurt? 
It can hurt, but no more than a wax. If you feel pain, your technician can use the machine’s cool air fan function or adjust the settings. 

Are there any watchouts?
You’ll need to avoid the sun for a few weeks following each treatment!

Laser hair removal works on all hair colours and skin types, except for white hair due to a lack of melanin. After treatment, your skin may be red, irritated, and slightly itchy. This should go away after a few hours. 
Unfortunately, laser hair removal is not recommended for pregnant people and those on certain medications – it’s worth consulting your doctor before starting treatments to make sure it’s all ok. 

3. Electrolysis

What is it?
Performed by a licensed beauty therapist, this works by inserting a small device into the skin.  

How does it work? 
The device uses shortwave frequencies to kill the hair follicle, causing it to fall out.

How long will I stay hair-free?
You need multiple sessions, but this hair removal treatment has the best permanent results. 

Does it hurt? 
It can cause a little irritation but is not painful. 

Are there any watchouts?
It can cause scarring and infection if done incorrectly. 

3 Natural hair removal techniques

Of course, there are a few natural remedies available for removing peach fuzz from face. But be careful with any natural masks or recipes you find as they may cause reactions, so it’s always best to consult a licensed therapist or your doctor before you try to remove your peach fuzz on face.
1.        Tweezers – this is one of the slower options, but you can tweeze facial hair easily. 
2.        Natural waxes – sugar and honey waxes can get rid of facial hair quickly and naturally 
3.        Peppermint tea – some people say drinking peppermint tea twice a day can limit facial hair growth. 

Pro tip: don’t forget to follow up your hair removal efforts with a soothing moisturiser to protect and calm irritated skin

What’s the best way to remove facial hair for women?

At the end of the day, each method has its pros and cons. You need to choose what works for you. 

However, we have some top tips to make sure you get the best possible results, whatever you choose. 

Step 1: Prep your skin
Remove your makeup and use a refreshing facial wash to clean your skin, preferably with an exfoliating effect to slough off dead skin cells surrounding the hair. 

For best results, always start with clean, fresh skin

Step 2: Choose your method
Read the instructions carefully if you’re doing it at home, and make sure you’re not allergic to any part of the process. 

Step 3: Soothe your skin
Once you’ve removed any unwanted facial hair, you might find the surrounding skin becomes irritated. It’s important to keep your skin clean and make sure you use hydrating products to keep your skin in good health. 
As we said at the beginning, some women are comfortable with their facial hair – it all comes down to personal preference. But if you find it annoying, we hope you’ve found this helpful and feel ready to remove that annoying peach fuzz on face and boost your confidence!

brunette woman smiling
blonde women smiling