What Are Liver Spots?
Learn more about why you get liver spots and how to reduce their visibility.
What Are Liver Spots?
Liver spots are also known as age spots, sunspots or solar lentigines - small, flat, dark areas of the skin with increased pigment. They are often mistaken for freckles due to their similarity in appearance, however, the difference is freckles are common for children and tend to fade away as they get older.
In contrast, liver spots become visible as you get older and are the result of frequent sun exposure. Liver spots appear on areas of your body which are most exposed to the sun:
What Causes Liver Spots?
So what are the liver spots causes? New liver spots are developed due to excess amounts of melanin in the skin, which becomes concentrated together after prolonged sun exposure resulting in brown, grey or black liver spots. The creation of melanin in our skin is induced by the sun and is how our skin tans in the summer months.
People most receptive to liver spots and who may ask ‘why do you get liver spots’ are those who are over 40 years, however, they can appear on younger skin as a result of frequent exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light such as sunbed users. Additionally, those with fair skin who often burn easily may also develop liver spots.