How To Stop Sweaty Hands
There's no need to suffer from sweaty palms anymore. Discover what causes sweaty hands & the 5 quick ways to help stop it at NIVEA.
Why do you have sweaty hands and how to stop it
There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting for a job interview, about to shake the interviewer’s hand and realising your hands are wetter than the River Thames. Or even worse, when you’re finally going on that first date, and your hands are a living, breathing water fountain of sweat. All that pampering and prepping - and for what?
But don’t worry, we feel your pain. We’ve been there and got that all-important damp T-shirt - and we have answers! We’ll tell you why we get sweaty hands and 5 ways to stop sweaty hands from occurring.
But don’t worry, we feel your pain. We’ve been there and got that all-important damp T-shirt - and we have answers! We’ll tell you why we get sweaty hands and 5 ways to stop sweaty hands from occurring.
Why do we get sweaty palms?
The million-dollar question that can be answered with 2 explanations. Firstly, getting sweaty palms is very common, and both women and men can suffer from it.
Five ways to stop sweaty hands
Now we know the cause of sweaty hands, we can actually try and remedy the situation. Although there’s no sweaty hands cure, we’ve got five quick and easy ways to help stop your hands getting clammy:
Preventing sweaty hands through your diet
Although like we previously said, there is no cure for sweaty hands. There are still ways you can help prevent clammy hands arising through what you eat.