woman with cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite

Do you want to find out how to get rid of cellulite? Read here for all tips and tricks, including causes and treatments.

How to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite is a perfectly natural and normal occurrence. Nonetheless, many people still wish to know how to reduce cellulite as it can make them feel uncomfortable. As a result, it is common to want to know how to get rid of cellulite and how to reduce cellulite. Below we explore how you get cellulite and how to get rid of cellulite on thighs. Read on to learn more about cellulite and how possible it is to lose it.

Why Does Cellulite Appear?

Cellulite is the result of fat cells underneath the skin pushing upwards on its surface layer. As these fat cells accumulate and push skin upwards, the connective fibres that attach the skin to the underlying muscles pull down, causing the skin to buckle and dimple.

The fat cells and connective tissue in the dermatological layer of women sit vertically, whereas in men they sit in a criss-cross structure, which is perhaps one of the reasons why women are more likely to show signs of cellulite than men. Women’s fat is also typically distributed in the thighs, hips and bottom, common areas for cellulite.

Knowing how do you get cellulite and what causes it can be helpful when understanding how to get rid of it.

What Is Cellulite? And is getting rid of cellulite actually possible?

No one should ever feel ashamed that they have cellulite or like it is something that they simply must get rid of. Cellulite is perfectly normal and is something that over 90% of all women (who are more predisposed to cellulite than men) have to some extent. Cellulite appears when fat cells under the skin push against connective tissue, causing the skin to dimple. Due to how cellulite is formed, it is near impossible to completely remove it at home, however, there are a few things you can do at home to help reduce the prevalence of cellulite.

There is a cellulite grade scale - mild, moderate, severe. Naturally, the milder the condition, the easier it is to reduce cellulite.



What causes cellulite?

How do you get cellulite? What actually causes cellulite and how it appears is not wholly known, but is speculated to include:


Hormones are thought to be one of the largest contributors to the causes of cellulite, particularly in women. As women age, their natural level of estrogen begins to fall and with the onset of menopause, blood flow to the connective tissue can also decrease. Less blood flow means less oxygen is being delivered to cells to produce collagen, slowing regeneration and repair. As the connective cells are weakened, fat becomes more visible through them.


Genetics contribute to things such as a person's metabolism, fat distribution and blood circulation - all of which can contribute to the formation of cellulite. This makes some people more genetically predisposed to having cellulite than others. 

Leading an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Poor nutrition and a lack of physical exercise can increase the likelihood of cellulite appearing. This is because an unhealthy lifestyle means you are more likely to accumulate fat cells which will push on skin, causing it to dimple. Not only this but being sedentary for long periods of time will affect your circulation, and a lack of blood flow will restrict your body’s regeneration and repair. Overeating certain foods such as those that are processed, high in sugar or salt can also increase your chances of cellulite forming.

Poor Blood Circulation

Having a healthy circulation means we are delivering the energy and nutrients our cells need to regenerate and repair. Without good circulation our skin can become weaker, meaning it is more likely to let cellulite appear.


As we age, the skin becomes thinner and less elastic, which also increases the chance of cellulite developing. Many people start seeing cellulite from between 25 and 35. Oestrogen has an impact on the blood vessels, so when it starts to decrease, you lose receptors in your blood vessels and thighs, which causes a decreased circulation which can lead to cellulite on thighs.


Experts believe stress hormones like cortisol could also be a factor. Stress has a profound effect on the body, including on digestion and the liver, and can aggravate cellulite. Stress can also cause contributory factors that can cause cellulite, such as a poor diet, drinking too much alcohol or smoking. Exercise and eating well can help to reduce stress levels as well being a great defence against cellulite.
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Cellulite Treatment

So you would like to know how to get rid of cellulite on legs and other areas? Unfortunately, without going under the knife it is a near impossibility to completely eradicate. How to reduce cellulite is a slightly different story and there are a few things you can try to make it less prevalent. Read our tips on how to lose cellulite:


Eating an unhealthy diet that is loaded with toxins and fat will encourage the buildup of fatty tissue under your skin and contribute to cellulite. Eating plenty of whole-grain foods and fibre will help to remove toxins from your body. Avoiding excess salt is also recommended as this can cause dehydration and swelling - both contributors to cellulite. Eating in a calorie deficit will also help you to burn fat which can contribute to the appearance of cellulite.


Our body is made up of almost 60% water and without it, our skin can become weaker, thinner and shrivelled. When skin is dehydrated cellulite is more likely to show, so drinking plenty of water can improve skin elasticity which will help to reduce cellulite.


Dry brushing or massaging is a good way to aid lymphatic drainage - a process that rids the fat layer of accumulated toxins. Dry brushing increases circulation and exfoliates the skin; it is also believed to help break down fatty deposits under the skin that can result in cellulite.

A step in how to get rid of cellulite on thighs and legs can be to massage or brush the affected areas twice a day, in the morning and evening. Use a dry brush before a shower or bath - using a firm brush on dry skin, roll in small circular motions on the skin. Follow with a body lotion or moisturiser after your shower or bath to maximise results. 

You can massage the area yourself before or after a bath or shower to stimulate the lymphatic system and can improve the general appearance and tone of the skin. Use oils or your favourite body lotion to nourish the skin. Massage from the bottom up and aim for circular movements.


For how to get rid of cellulite on thighs and how to get rid of cellulite on legs, make sure you are working out your lower body as much as possible - even if it's just for 20 minutes a few times a week. Exercising regularly will help to increase your blood flow and burn fat - both things that will help to get rid of cellulite.


Wearing compression clothing for too long and too often can restrict our blood circulation, meaning cellulite is more likely to appear.


Whilst the root cause of cellulite is deeper than just the skin, having weak, sagging and undernourished skin can make it appear much worse. A lack of collagen in the skin can mean it is weaker and more likely to let the fat push through, try using our NIVEA Q10 Multipower 5In1 Firming Cellulite Gel to firm the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite in 3 weeks.


Hormones play a key role in cellulite and oestrogen is not the only culprit. Learning to manage stress is a vital tool. Stress causes cortisol levels to rise, which encourage the appearance of cellulite. Managing your stress and lowering cortisol levels can help with learning how to get rid of cellulite on legs and other areas.. 

Carve out time for yourself - this might be a yoga class, an hour with a book or a nice soak in the bath - to relax for your body and mind. Breathing exercises can also help if you’re feeling particularly anxious.


Using a body scrub on the cellulite on thighs or legs can remove dead skin cells and stimulate blood flow which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Salty, fatty, sugary food can contribute to cellulite on the legs by building up fat cells in our body that can cause inflammation. Highly salted food can promote tissue swelling which can make cellulite appear worse after a salty meal.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Thighs & How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Legs

The thighs and rest of the legs are particularly susceptible to cellulite. Many women will have it post-puberty - and it has nothing to do with weight. 

Stimulate the lymphatic system
A sluggish lymphatic system can cause cellulite, or exaggerate it, which is where a body brush or scrub comes in. Massaging an exfoliator or gently brushing the area can help to stimulate blood and lymphatic drainage. To see change, this needs to be done on a regular basis. 

Eat plenty of vegetables
Eating green, leafy vegetables and avoiding processed foods and alcohol will also help to get rid of cellulite on thighs and legs


Even though our creams can work miracles for your skin, cellulite is not strictly a skin problem so they cannot eradicate it. That being said, our NIVEA Q10 products help to strengthen and firm the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Try our NIVEA Q10 Body Multi-Power Firming Bundle Set for a complete skincare routine that tones the skin and targets cellulite.

Exercise And Care For Cellulite - Cellulite Natural Treatment

Wearing shorts or a pretty skirt in the summer is only half as much fun if the dreaded indentations on your legs are likely to be on show. So, get to grips with cellulite in good time: get your legs and bum back in shape with a specially tailored exercise programme and these care tips that can help with how to reduce cellulite.


  • Fighting cellulite is a real concern for many women.
  • The troublesome indentations do not disappear overnight. Start your anti-cellulite programme in the winter so that your skin is beautiful again in time for the bikini season.
  • Cycling, jogging and the step machine are your allies on the route to better-looking skin. Because exercise not only tightens the muscles, it also smooths your skin.
  • By taking special measures against cellulite you will support the strengthening of the tissue: Our NIVEA Q10 range has a tightening and strengthening effect and can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Caffeine increases the resilience of the outer layer of skin. Scrub with coffee grounds also purifies and stimulates the circulation in the cells.
  • Shower alternately with cold and warm water. When you use cold water the vessels contract and then they expand in warm water. This promotes the circulation of blood and the tissue becomes firmer.
  • Target the affected area - so that might be cellulite on thighs or cellulite on legs, for example - with the showerhead for an extra blast of stimulation.
- Massages improve circulation and stimulate lymph flow. Massage the skin of your bum and legs with an exfoliating glove or a cellulite brush. 
- Beware of varicose veins: before treating them you should speak with your GP.
- Taking an alkaline bath approximately once a week purifies and detoxifies the whole body. Add about four tablespoons of alkaline salt to your bath water and take the time to enjoy the healing effect of the bath. 
- Our skin is a reflection of our bodies. If we are healthy, it radiates from within. If you eat plenty of vitamins and a balanced diet – it is noticeable! Combat cellulite from within by eating foods that are low in salt. Salt absorbs water in the body, which results in bloated tissue. So, season your food with aromatic herbs instead.
- Vegetables rich in potassium such as broccoli, legumes and spinach also ensure that excess tissue fluid is flushed out.

Your skin tightening programme begins in the morning when you’re in the shower. Use a shower gel or in-shower moisturiser that is designed to tighten and tone


Exercise strengthens the muscles and burns fat – reduce cellulite by ensuring you move around a lot.
Getting rid of cellulite on thighs and legs
The appearance of cellulite can be alleviated with a few simple exercises – if you stick at them consistently. While cellulite can appear on anyone, even those who exercise regularly, exercise can help tone a specific area where you have cellulite, usually your legs, bum and tum. Try these routines to help tone those areas:

All you need is an exercise mat. Lie on your back and put your legs up. Bend both knees into a right angle leaving a hand’s width of space between them. Now lift your hips and stretch one leg out forwards. Count to ten slowly and then change legs. Just ten regular repetitions of this exercise every day will alter your figure and the appearance of your skin measurably. 

Tighter upper thighs

Lie sideways on an exercise mat and bend the lower leg slightly. Now straighten the upper leg and lift it up whilst exhaling. Hold it briefly in the air and then lower it again whilst inhaling. Change sides after 20 repetitions.

These forms of exercise can also help get rid of cellulite
- Yoga
- Aerobic exercises such as running or cycling 
- HIIT - high-intensity interval training - increases your heart rate and helps you burn more fat
- Strength training - including squats and lunges and weights


Whether you have any perfect imperfections or skin concerns that really bother you, try our routine builder for a genuinely bespoke, helpful skincare routine. All you need to do is answer a few simple questions about your skin concerns and lifestyle. Our tool then analyses your unique skin features and constructs a personalised routine adapted to your needs.

What you’ll get from NIVEA Routine Builder:

  1. Bespoke skincare routine for your skin type
  2. Tailored product suggestions
  3. Problem area analysis
  4. Lifestyle suggestions

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