Caring for Dry Hands
Find out what causes dry, flaky, cracked skin on our hands, how to avoid it and get relief with NIVEA
Caring for Dry Hands
Dry hands are a common concern and are usually nothing serious. However, given how much we use our hands, it can be irritating and uncomfortable, and maybe even make you feel a little conscious. So if you want some tips on how best to care for them or even try some home remedies to relieve your dry hands, read on to find out more.
Symptoms of dry, cracked hands
Dry hands can be pretty easy to spot. Here are the most common symptoms of what dry hands look and feel like:
What causes dry hands?
If you’re wondering ‘why are my hands so dry’, here are some of the common factors that contribute to dry hands.
How to prevent dry hands?
The good news is that there are lots of things we can do to keep our hands hydrated and prevent them drying out.
How to treat dry hands
3 home remedies for dry hands
Looking after dry hands in winter
A few final tips for dry hands
In our busy lives it’s easy to forget to care for our hands, until it’s too late. Make sure you’re prepared with these final tips:
Stock up on hand creams
Keep pots of hand cream next to the wash basin at home and work, and pop one in your bag. That way you’ll always have some to hand and be reminded to use it. Applying cream after washing hands is especially good as moist skin absorbs active ingredients quicker.
Slather at night
Before bed, slather your most moisturising hand cream on your hands then cover with a pair of soft gloves or socks. The moisture soaks in overnight, so you’ll have smoother, more hydrated hands by morning.
Seek advice
Remember, if your symptoms are severe and causing you a lot of pain and discomfort, don’t suffer in silence. It can be a sign of a more serious condition, so contact your doctor for further help and advice.
Stock up on hand creams
Keep pots of hand cream next to the wash basin at home and work, and pop one in your bag. That way you’ll always have some to hand and be reminded to use it. Applying cream after washing hands is especially good as moist skin absorbs active ingredients quicker.
Slather at night
Before bed, slather your most moisturising hand cream on your hands then cover with a pair of soft gloves or socks. The moisture soaks in overnight, so you’ll have smoother, more hydrated hands by morning.
Seek advice
Remember, if your symptoms are severe and causing you a lot of pain and discomfort, don’t suffer in silence. It can be a sign of a more serious condition, so contact your doctor for further help and advice.