woman putting on eye cream for dry skin

Dry Skin Under Eyes

Read our guide on how to cure dry skin under eyes as well as finding out the causes to prevent dry under eyes

Dry Skin Under Eyes

The skin under your eyes is delicate and thin - it is up to five times thinner than skin in other parts of your body. Dry skin under eyes and dehydration is more evident as a result. The skin under your eyes is susceptible to dehydration, and can become crepey and prone to early lines, dark circles, puffiness and sagging. Lifestyle choices, environmental changes and skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema can also cause dry skin under eyes. 
We look at some of the common reasons behind skin being dry under eyes and how to get rid of dry flaky skin under eyes.

Causes of dry skin under the eyes

Dry skin is the result of a breakdown in the skin’s natural barrier function which causes the skin to lose moisture. The skin around the eyes contains almost no sebaceous glands or supporting fatty tissue. This means that the skin here reacts more strongly to external environmental influences such as dry air, sunlight, as well as lack of sleep and unhealthy food. 
And our eyes work hard for us; we blink our eyelids as many as 10,000 times a day and make thousands of facial expressions a day, not to mention all the time we spend looking at screens. As we grow older and our skin matures, the skin becomes drier, while skin conditions, such as eczema, contact dermatitis, or conjunctivitis can also cause dry under eyes.

Causes of dry skin under eyes include:

  • Age - people over 40 are more likely to experience dry skin under eyes  Smoking
  • A vitamin or mineral deficiency, such as vitamin D, vitamin A, iron, or zinc
  • Dry or low humidity climate
  • Seasonal changes ie cold winter weather or hay fever season
  • Ultraviolet (UV) sunlight
  • Hot water
woman putting eye cream on dry skin

Dehydrated and irritated eye area

  1. Water is critical to keep various organs, including the eyes and the area around them, working on top form. As the skin around your eyes is thinner than the rest of the face, signs of dehydration are more pronounced. Dehydration can cause the eye area to appear darker, discoloured, sunken, or hollow. The best way to remedy this is to drink more water.
  2. Screens and the blue light they throw out can penetrate the skin where it can break down collagen and elastin, both vital to maintain the skin’s bounce. That blue light can also be very dehydrating. Computer strain can also cause irritation and dry under eyes that you may be tempted to touch and rub more. 
  3. Pollution, sun damage, caffeine and alcohol can also cause dehydration and damage the delicate eye area.
  4. Take regular screen breaks and minimise your time on screens as much as you are able to. If you are experiencing a dehydrated and irritated eye area, use a refreshing eye gel cream or a cool compress on the eyes that will soothe the skin around the eyes that may have dried out  - cucumber slices will do!
  5. For an extra treatment boost, try a nourishing face mask. Look for rich formulas that are designed to protect the skin against the effects of air pollution and stress on the skin that can cause dry skin under eyes, dehydration and irritation.
woman putting eye cream under eye

How to get rid of dry flaky skin under eyes

You might be wondering how to get rid of dry flaky skin under eyes, but don't worry, we've got you covered.

Because the skin around our eyes is so delicate and more likely to become dry or flakey, it is important to give it the right care quickly to avoid symptoms becoming worse, especially if the area is itchy and you are scratching or rubbing it. 

As dry skin under eyes is the result of a loss of the skin’s ability to hold moisture, look for products that replenish hydration. For visibly healthier skin you only need one thing: sufficient moisture. In addition, as you get older, the skin's natural recovery capacity decreases.

If you find the skin has become dry under eyes try a Luminous eye cream in the morning and in the evening for a brighter, boosted appearance. The formula reduces wrinkles, firms the skin and moisturises the sensitive skin around the eyes.

Dry eyes and bags under the eyes

Dry skin under eyes and bags under the eyes are common issues. Many people have puffy eyes, sometimes accompanied by dark circles. As the skin weakens as you age, you are more likely to have bags under the eyes and the skin can become dry under eyes. As the skin loses structure it begins to sag, and the fat that was once around the eye moves below your eyes. Fluid can also gather in the area below your eye making it look puffy.
Aging is the biggest cause of bags under the eyes, but our lifestyle also plays a role. 
Here are some reasons for bags under the eyes:

  • Sleeping on your stomach, without a pillow or with a pillow that is not high enough
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Not getting enough rest
  • Genetics — under-eye bags can run in families

Dry skin under eyes can make dark circles and bags under eyes look more defined. If dry skin under eyes is irritating, you may be tempted to rub or scratch your eye that can exacerbate bags under eyes and dry skin.

Get rid of bags under the eyes

Drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep can help de-puff the eye area, but making tweaks to your lifestyle (for example giving up smoking) can have the biggest impact. 
A facial massage can help improve the appearance of under-eye bags by kick-starting the lymphatic system that helps to drain away excess fluid. 

When choosing an under-eye cream, look for one that delivers an intense dose of moisture. 

Dry skin under eyes home remedies

A cool compress can help de-puff and hydrate the dry area under eyes and these simple home remedies for dry skin under eyes can help brighten and calm the area.

  • Cucumber can help reduce dark circles, hydrate the skin and reduce inflammation
  • Milk soaked in cotton wool pads and swept gently around the eye area can nourish and moisturise
  • Olive oil dabbed around the eye and left overnight can soothe the area with its anti inflammatory properties
  • Rose water is calming on sensitive skin that may be prone to irritation. Soak in cotton wool and place over your eyes for 15-20 minutes

How to prevent dry skin under eyes

care for dry skin

1. Wear sunglasses with a UV filter on hot days. This protects your eyes from sunlight and prevents you from squinting. 

2. Stop smoking! Regular smoking dries out the skin. If the skin gets too little moisture, wrinkles appear faster. 

3. Nourish the sensitive skin around the eyes with sufficient moisture by using a special eye cream. 
4. Drink enough water so that the skin also gets enough moisture from the inside
5. A healthy diet is important: vegetables, seeds, fruits, herbs, natural oils and nuts are rich in valuable antioxidants that smooth the skin and prevent wrinkles. 
6. Go to bed earlier every now and then. This allows the skin to recover while you sleep.