Beauty from within thanks to inner harmony

An absolute must for true inner beauty: relaxation exercises. Movement keeps us fit and healthy and reduces stress.
Mother Child

Relaxation exercises for inner balance

  • Beauty from within means that the body and soul are in harmony with one another. Relaxation exercises like yoga, Pilates and Nia promote inner harmony and physical fitness. These relaxation techniques combine muscle-strengthening exercises and elements of meditation. After exercising you’ll be all set for the day and your body will feel good all over.
  • Yoga: This centuries-old Indian teaching is a holistic concept made up of physical exercises and spiritual meditation. It promotes concentration, energy, stamina and inner peace. 
  • Five Tibetan Rites: these five yoga exercises that follow on from one another are ideal if you do not have much time. This form of yoga has always been used to strengthen the glandular system. 
  • Pilates: An excellent opportunity to strengthen deep muscles – particularly supporting muscles – thus combining physical strengthening and inner peace.

Who is yoga suitable for?

Yoga promotes harmony and keeps your body, mind and spirit healthy. The different Asanas (postures) combine physical exercises, special breathing techniques and meditation phases, allowing stress to be reduced and new energy gained. Yoga is now generally one of the most popular relaxation exercises.
A stressful everyday life juggling your job and family makes many people inwardly tense and physically weak. If you would like to have some time to yourself and recharge your batteries, consider taking a yoga course. The different Asanas help to calm you, letting you concentrate on yourself, leaving everyday stresses and strains behind. Hatha yoga, with its simple yet effective physical and breathing exercises, is particularly recommended for beginners.

Discover your energy – new strength with yoga

Stand upright with legs apart, stretch your arms towards the sky whilst inhaling deeply. Bring your arms down again whilst exhaling. This allows your inner tensions to be released quickly.

Pilates – the perfect balance for a sedentary lifestyle

Pilates strengthens the whole body and ensures a healthy posture.

A slimmer figure with Pilates

Deeper lying muscles are strengthened intensively through Pilates exercises, automatically changing your figure. The result: a flatter stomach, a slim waist and a healthy posture – what’s not to like?

You know the feeling: You have to sit in the office for long periods, and your back and neck often get tense. Perhaps you also suffer from headaches sometimes? This is where Pilates comes in. The deep-lying muscle groups are strengthened by simple, yet very effective, exercises. This improves your basic constitution, making you more resilient. The focus in this relaxation exercise is on strengthening the support muscles around the spine: the back, pelvic floor and stomach muscles. Tension occurs less frequently when these muscle groups are strengthened: you feel freer, fitter and are therefore more relaxed.

This will help your aches and pains when at the office, but it's important to have a healthy work life balance so that you can be happier and more successful at reducing those lifestyle stresses. 

Relaxation, movement and fun –
Nia and the Five Tibetan Rites

Focused training in just a few steps – with the Five Tibetan Rites

  • The Five Tibetan Rites are a series of five exercise sequences that have been practised for centuries in Tibetan monasteries and are considered to be the key to a long life. 
  • In the Five Tibetan Rites, elements of yoga are combined with training units to strengthen the airways. Tension is released by gently training the muscles and tendons. This allows the body and mind to find peace. 
  • The exercises stimulate the glandular system and strengthen the immune system. You will feel permanently fitter, more alert and in harmony with yourself. 
  • If you only have a little time available and yet would like to exercise holistically, the Five Tibetan Rites are the ideal relaxation exercises for you. Why not try them out? They only take 15 minutes!

Joy and a love of life – Nia, the feel-good workout

The motivating combination of dance, martial arts and relaxation promotes self-awareness and coordination and is a lot of fun. Be aware of your body and enjoy the moment.

Pamper yourself to unwind

Sometimes we want nothing more than to take some time to ourselves, away from our busy lives and have a relaxing night in. Once you've finished relaxing through yoga, Pilates, or Nia, why not wind down in a relaxing bubble bath using tools from NIVEA combined with the NIVEA Rich Moisture Creme Caring Shower Cream for a pampering cleanse after exercise.